we left this morning at 0823 with coffee in our travel mugs and
hot out of the oven cinnamon rolls ... Auntia was dressed in her robin hood leggings and furry brown boots, but she wouldn't let me take a picture of her ...... anywho, we arrived at the
TQS BOM Saturday Sampler meeting about two minutes before 0900 and - gasp -
our seats were taken! so we sat on the other side of the room and saw everything from a very different perspective - which was kinda refreshing. this month's block is "free trade" and the alternate is "hourglass" ...... then it was time to
i was pretty good this time and bought just four fat quarters (the brown and black batiks are for Mr. Huskers' 60th birthday quilt - shh -
it isn't till next year and i'm not even sure what it's gonna be, but it will have black angus cows) and two patterns by
Penny Sturges for mini totes:

i didn't realize that the tote patterns were by the same designer till i took them out of the bag for their picture ... and, yes, i know that it is
not environmentally correct to ask for a bag (especially when i have shopping bags in the car that Auntia made for me) ... but i can't help myself. when i go to The Quilter's Studio, i want to take my goodies home in one of their bright green bags ...
i love those bright green bags!
look who was supposed to be taking a
nap in the middle of the studio:

his name is Mingo ... and i don't think he's gonna close those peepers till people stop taking his picture ......

there are pink flamingos in evidence throughout the shop, and all of them are named after movie stars from the 30s and 40s ... except for Mingo, who already had a name when he arrived. i think we could have milled around the shop all morning, but we needed to pick up the
stocking threads and charms from the
Stitchers Garden. so, we put our quilting goodies in the car and then crossed Main Street to buy:

do you see the thistle bookmark kit? that is
not for the stocking ... it is for
Auntia and, even though
she knows how to cross stitch and could
make it herself, she expects
me to make it for her ... i think it was a mistake to tell her that Little Nonnie wouldn't sew (or crochet or embroider or stitch) for me after i learned the basics ... she would tell me, "You know how, you can do it yourself." ...... i used to hate hearing those words ... nope, i never should have told Auntia ... she
guilted me into buying the kit and asked if i could
at least have it finished before
An Echo in the Bone is published ... i dinna ken if
that will happen, but i will do my best to have it done by
Robert Burns next birthday ... "Who?" she asked.
then we went to see Little Nonnie ...
she wouldn't let me take
her picture,
either. she told me that her hair is
too frizzy and i can take all the pictures that i want at the baby shower next saturday because she is gonna have her hair done on friday. well, all righty, then. after a (looong enough) visit, we headed for Schlotskys, ordered our
serious sandwiches, and came home to eat and watch some episodes from the first season of
Highlander ... and take a nap.