i don' t think she's ever gonna get around to blogging about it, so i am gonna update the world on how Auntia spent twenty-four hours on the thanksgiving weekend ... she slept in ... then she ate some of dianne's world famous coffee cake which was made with apples and not cherries, so it wasn't as good as Auntia thought it should be ... then she and NoJo hid out in Auntia's room and watched Star Trek instead of the parade and they checked every few minutes to see if Santa had made his appearance and hollered down the stairs no Santa yet! to keep dianne from coming up to see what they were really doing ... Auntia took a shower after the m&m's left and put on some clean jammies ... the rest of the afternoon is a blur - i'm not sure what she was doing ... i do know that it did not involve helping get the turkey in the oven ... Mrs. Moth had given her a ticket to the thanksgiving bronco football game and Earth Science gave her a ride to a parking lot about a mile away from the stadium which used to be called Mile High and they walked the rest of the way fueled by adrenalin and maybe a beer or two ... Auntia's seat was in the north stands close to the horse's head that you can't see if there are people sitting in the stadium and she said that it was hard to keep track of the yardage cuz there was no yellow line like there is on the tv to tell her how close they were for a first down ... she was sitting with Mr. Moth and his brother and some other guy who was tired enough to fall asleep during the game - that's his story and he's sticking with it ... she must have done a lot of cheering and shouting because she was very hoarse when she came back home ... the broncos broke their 4 game losing streak - they beat the Giants woo hoo!!! and Auntia was in a really, really good mood ... the next time i saw her was at 4:30 on friday morning ... JoAnn's had CriCuts which we did not need but Mrs. Blakesmom did for some ridiculously low price and snuggle flannel for $1.49/yard and we were determined to not stand in the cut line for three hours and then in the check out line for another hour like last year ... we arrived at the storefront at 5:45 and there was already a line of thirty or forty people ... one of the store reps was handing out tickets for the CriCuts for some ridiculously low price but Mrs. Blakesmom and Mrs. Moth had already scored a CriCut for some ridiculously low price at the Northglenn store ... so we headed to the flannel ... and started loading up a shopping basket ... after we had one basket full, Auntia took a number for the cutting table and i hung around to wait for our number to be called while she picked out wreaths which were also a ridiculously low price to take to the cemetery ... and some more flannel ... and then she selected some yarn for the sunflower afghan that she's gonna make ... and some more flannel... and a peppermint spatula for flipping christmas pancakes ... and some more flannel ... and a peppermint batter spatula and a snowman batter spatula ... and some more flannel ... and some halloween trims ... and some more flannel ... and after we'd filled two carts with stuff, i decided that i'd had enough of standing in one place ... i wandered around to look at the storage containers which were also some ridiculously low price and when i returned to the carts i saw this...
...it was about 7:30 in the morning and there were still 13 numbers ahead of us for the cutting line...
...Auntia has never, never, never been a morning person ... she was running on one cup of coffee and a bite-sized York Peppermint Patty ... but while i was on my walkabout one of the people we befriended in line gave Auntia her ticket and we had moved up 5 people in the blink of an eye ... woo hoo! we were outta there by 8:10 and i took Auntia to Village Inn where we waited 45 minutes for a mediocre, over-priced breakfast ... and then we went to Target ... groan ... where we spent more money that we don't have ... by the time we made it back home Auntia had been awake for the better part of 24 hours ... and she took a nap ... the end
My heavens, what a story....poor Auntia......she does look dead on her feet. I hope you let her sleep when she got home.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh bless Auntia's heart....she looks so tired...makes me want to take a nap!
ReplyDeleteI got tired reading about it!