when i moved into this house i had every intention of reworking every thing in it ... i especially hated the kitchen ... i was gonna tear out the cabinets and knock down a wall and replace the sink and the counters and the floor and the appliances and put up wallpaper and get rid of the wrought iron railing ... everything was gonna be new and improved ...... and then reality set in ...... it was a year before i had enough money just to paint the cabinets (the previous owners had slapped a coat of white paint on the doors, trying to cover the gross dark brown "wood", but didn't bother painting the insides or replacing the trim) and another year before i could replace their hinges and handles and trim ... there was no microwave (i thought i could live without one - till i found myself wandering around aimlessly with a cold cup of coffee and no idea of how to warm it up) and the dishwasher pooped out after the first month - i used it as a dish-drying rack for two years ... next to die was the refrigerator ... the oven was hotter on the outside than the inside and only three out of four burners worked on the stove top ... i lived with just one side of the kitchen sink working (the other side had the non-working disposal and there was something wrong with the drain) for five years and the faucet dripped so much that i kept a two gallon bucket under it to collect water for the few plants that were still surviving outside ... the counters were faded butcher block (yeah, right) Formica that never looked clean and was covered with chips and missing chunks ... there was thick ceramic tile on the floor - anything that dropped on it shattered into bits and pieces - and the grout was gross ... the railing was rusted and rickety ... one of the lights didn't work and two outlets had no power ... the patio door leaked like a sieve and the "garden" window over the sink was even worse ... it was a nightmare...
...i painted every paintable surface with Benjamin Moore semi-gloss white paint ... and then i painted it all again ... and again ... and again ... finally, i used
Kilz on the surfaces that just wouldn't cooperate ... three more coats of the good stuff (it's amazing with all those layers of paint that there is any room left to walk, huh?) and i decided that was gonna have to do ... Sears installed an over-the-stove microwave (a scratch and dent find) ... the dishwasher has been replaced twice ... can't live without a refrigerator (i replaced the original with a freezer-on-top/fridge-on-bottom - it fit into the space, but i couldn't open the fridge door all the way - so the veggie drawers were never used ... bought a side-by-side, but the freezer is too narrow to hold a turkey ... sigh) ... the stove had to go before some innocent bystander was burned ... then the railing was replaced by unpainted bookshelves (more paint - and fake bead board to cover the backs and sides) and a shiny black tile counter (that i built with my handsaw and trusty tile cutter) ... i liked the tile, so i covered the little counter between the stove and the fridge with it, too ... i still liked the tile and put it on the window sill (not a bright idea - glossy black tile under an open window looks dusty five seconds after it's been wiped down) ... i replaced the light fixtures and had a ceiling fan installed ... then black Formica counter tops (i wanted granite - yeah , right - like
that's ever gonna happen) were installed, along with a new sink (it's deep enough to give grandbabies a bath) and disposal ... i put up pleated shades (when they were on sale at JCP for 60% + 10% off) ... i hung pictures and shelves and unpacked my
Mary Engelbreit plates and teapots (that i bought B.D. - when i
thought i had
discretionary income) ... and then i had the awful tile floor replaced with wood flooring ...... all of this has taken thirteen years ...... and everything that
could go wrong in the process
has gone wrong ...... the final touch was gonna be a bar table and stools ... i wanted an oak pub table and oak swivel bar stools with leather seats and fancy backs ... i
settled for a chrome and black (plastic - when they wear out i want to replace the vinyl with leather - i
think i can) retro set that was $109+shipping on eBay...

...i think it's kinda cool looking...

...it arrived via UPS and i took pictures of the box because it looked like it might be damaged...

...the corner was smashed - but the contents were all present and accounted for ...
except the
instructions on how to put the table together ... no problem, right? there's a picture on the box - i can figure this out...

...i tried to put the table together, but it didn't work - i couldn't get the rings to fit ...... so Auntia and i followed the
enclosed instructions for assembling the bar stools - they actually swivel, which is
way better than what i thought i had ordered - and they went together just like the instructions said they would ...... and then we started on the table again ... we tried
three times to get the rings on the table like they are shown in the picture - see the rings on the
outside of the legs? then i sent an email to the seller, asking for a copy of the instructions ... and waited ... and waited ... and waited ... that was eleven days ago and i
still haven't heard from him ...... anywho, after three days i decided to search the Web for instructions on how to assemble a retro pub table ...... an entry caught my eye - it was someone on eBay selling a table just like mine and stated in the little blurb that assembly was
so easy her
seven-year-old put the table together ... so i went to the site and read the rest of it - she said that she handed him the instructions and her little boy put the table together
all by himself ...... and i thought
well, yeah - he had instructions!!! and then i looked closely at
her picture - the rings are supposed to go on the
inside!!!half an hour later ... voila!
here's another picture - you can see my
time flies clock (another eBay find) in this one ... and if you look
very closely, you can see my attack dinosaur's back amidst the plants - he used to roar but i think his batteries have died...

...anywho, after i got all of it this far, i decided to try it out ...... it has been a very,
very long time since i sat on a bar stool ...... and i think i must have been
taller all those years ago because i had to
jump (backwards, mind you) to get up onto it ...
and they must have
downsized the seat part because my butt runneth over ...... next time i buy furniture online, i think i will go to some furniture showrooms and try it out before i order...
...look who came to see me today ... she is getting bigger - her toes actually stretch out her newborn clothes...

always frowns when i hold her, even if she's asleep ... little stinkpot...