of a work in progress...
samhein sunset?!?
this is what the purple practice posted previously was practice for ... and it was NOT the walk in the park that i thought it would be, lemmetellya ... i had a devilish time keeping the sides on the straight of grain ... i pieced a bunch of different sizes of grey and green strips for the cemetery yeah, well, it is SUPPOSED to look like a cemetery - that's my story and i'm sticking with it and put them all together - there must have been hundreds of little tombstones ... when i asked,
"well, Auntia, what do you think of my cemetery?"
she answered with,
"that is a LOT of dead bodies!"
so i guess it's a good thing that i wasn't able to use all of them, innit? next up is a moon between those trees ... Applique, thy name is fill in the appropriate four letter word.