Monday, February 24, 2025

The Economic Blackout

  February 28, 2025

00:00- 24:00 

one 24 hour period of not spending any money

 or using any credit or debit cards

 except for essentials (food, medicine, emergency supplies)

details at this link

organized by The People's Union USA

 think about it...

 what a powerful message can be sent to Corporate America and Big Banks - whose only interest is their bottom line - if WE intentionally disrupt the economy for one day

 how many opportunities do consumers have to show that big companies and big banks are successful because of us ...  our political division is their strength - we can unite for 24 hours  ... we have more in common with each other than we have with Musk or Bezos or Zuckerberg

just sayin'


  1. It's happening here in Canada too. Need to do more days like this!

  2. Be picky, where you can, where you shop. Your money, like your vote, is your voice!!!

  3. I am with you and The People's Union USA!
