Monday, February 3, 2025

President Musk?!?

whilst standing behind the Seal of the President of the United States of America,
 this guy threw Nazi salutes to his audience of Thing One's supporters during inauguration activities

has hard drive copies of ALL of our sensitive personal data 

and UNFETTERED ACCESS to the Federal Treasury and USAID

the payment systems that handle over $6 trillion for Social Security, government salaries, tax refunds, and distributes money allotted by Congress

go on - Google it - i'll wait
anyone who tried to stand in his way was put on "administrative leave" by the Trump administration

i repeat

he has ALL of your personal data and TOTAL ACCESS to our payment systems

this unelected puppet master
 who bought the Presidency
 is the one pulling the strings
with YOUR money and YOUR life

is THIS what you voted for?!?
Now go sit in your highchair and play president while I eff over the American people!

this kind of $H!T is going to destroy ALL of us - call, email, write the White House (they won't care, but try anyway), your Representatives and Senators - tell them to grow a spine and stop this insanity...

just sayin'


  1. Smart people would realize these unelected, identity thieves could sell every single American's identities to the highest bidder. I would suggest keeping an extra vigilant eye on your bank account and your credit. Since their getting rid of all protection government has for Americans there will be no help or bail out to save you.

  2. Pure insanity. There is a special place in hell for all of them!
