Sunday, February 9, 2025

more about more than a concept of a plan

well ... that wasn't much fun

stitching down the doily puff was a bear, lemmetellya

i took a break because this is supposed to be fun

 but it wasn't any fun...

no, not at all


sempre avanti

i gave the card another look

dandelion puff - check ... little black bird - check

next thing to do is stitch some fluffs*

i knew that i wanted to use purple floss and white floss and tiny purple heart buttons 

but i was stuck on just how to go about stitching what was living in my head

so i whined about it to asked Melissa how she would stitch the fluffs...

she said she would stitch samples on a scrap of fabric and see what there was to see

which was just what i didn't want to hear cuz i'm kinda lazy 

 but she was right...
we both like the one on the left 

doesn't look like the fluffs are gonna be any more fun than the puff was


*the botanical name is the pappas ... i like fluff better

i think that i will try to link up to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching ... here goes


  1. Fun or not, this is going to be great! Once you start seeing the puffs on your piece, I hope you find them more enjoyable. It gives me an idea on using my grandmother's doilies.

  2. It might not be fun but oh how fabulous everything looks. The flower puff doily looming above the wee sweet birdie is impressive and the embroidered fluffs are too. Keep going........=)

  3. I like the one on the left, too. All that stitching will be a zen meditation.

  4. Look up how to do turkey stitch - perhaps a little bit of that might work for the fluffs.

  5. So glad that you are able to make use of MY card to make something so pretty. Oh and Caw Caw (that's my crow agreeing with me, yours is being a jerk and staying silent)!!!
