when it was time for nap, LuLu used to sleep in a play yard also known as a playpen by politically incorrect people ... like me in my room ... there are always warning signs when a little one is getting too old for a play yard ... when you walk into the room and the kid is buck naked with clothes, toys, blankets and binkies tossed over the side ... when you walk into the room and find the kid with one leg thrown over the top of the play yard, and the other leg soon to follow ... when you hear a loud thump and the kid comes running down the hall toward you, yelling
i do it myself!!!
we might have noticed one or two ... or three of those signs last week ... so we used a 50% off coupon at JoAnn's to buy a Tangled nap mat for LuLu ... Auntia decided that the nap mat pillow wasn't fluffy enough, so she made some pillowcases ...but we didn't have extra pillows to stuff them with for LuLu's first nap...

she fell asleep anyway because...
there is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience
French proverb