Monday, March 24, 2025

bitch, please

 yesterday's man baby post was all about how unhappy said man-baby is about the portrait of him that hangs in the Colorado State Capitol building

does he have a point? well ... he isn't orange, his mouth isn't shaped like a duck bill, his neck's mangina isn't shouting at us ... so, yeah, maybe

here's a LINK to the story behind the portrait - it's entertaining in a "bitch, please" kinda way - we know that his rants are intentional distractions from the horrors that he is initiating and executing, but this one is pretty doggone funny

in case you're thinking TLDR, i'll CliffNote it for you:

there's a gallery of presidential portraits hanging in the Colorado State Capitol building that is funded by donations, not by tax dollars

no one donated any money for Thing One's portrait, so some pranksters placed a portrait of Putin the War Criminal under Thing One's brass plaque ... it was removed (yes, a worker was "disciplined" for carding in the pranksters) and the Red Hats Republicans started a Go Fund Me to raise $10,000 for a portrait 

the portrait was commissioned from an approved photo, the finished portrait was approved by the Colorado Red Hats Republicans, and the Red Hats Republicans held an unveiling ceremony of the masterpiece in August 2019 - SIX YEARS AGO 

 the man-baby is whining about it and blaming it on the Democratic governor* who had not one thing to do with it - it was totally the Red Hats Republicans from beginning to end...

*don't get me wrong, i am NOT a fan of Jared Polis

the portrait was removed today by the Colorado Red Hats Republicans ...  he will find something new to cry about soon - anything for headlines that will distract John Q Public from the $hit $how that is today's FSA

do keep in mind that Thing One IS quite proud of his effing MUG SHOT - enough to frame it and hang it in the Offal Office

right there, over his Chump of Staff's right shoulder

just sayin'


  1. I'm sure the fact that he was "gifted" a painting by a war criminal very recently has nothing to do with this at all (heavy on the sarcasm). Let's see if this is the first of my predictions to be wrong since I haven't been wrong yet.

  2. He's a creep no matter what picture it is! He just wants to control everything! He needs a dirt nap!
