Wednesday, March 19, 2025

about Ukraine

 if you're interested in FACTUAL NEWS - as opposed to RT/Kremlin propaganda - regarding UKRAINE, here are some links to YouTube content creators who can be trusted to present actual facts and not the misinformation and disinformation that the current administration and the right wing news media is parroting for Vladimir Putin

in no particular order:

Jake Broe

Anna From Ukraine

Artur Rehi

Denys Davydov

Operator Starsky

Inside Russia

for example - there are currently NOT 1000 - 2500* Ukrainian soldiers that have been encircled by Russian troops who are "allowing them to live" only because Thing One has pleaded with Putin to spare them

it isn't true - it is another lie by the Kremlin and repeated by Thing One

 *Thing One continuously increases the number - not sure what number he has pulled out of his lower intestinal tract today

just sayin'


  1. I really like the variety here. Jake an American, Artur an Estonian, A few Ukrainians with differing backgrounds and views, and Konstantin a Russian. You get a good idea of how things are good and bad.

  2. It is hard to keep up with all the crap going on. Thanks for the links to real news!

  3. I forgot to mention that all of them get their information from various sources from men on the battle lines, battle maps and Russian and Ukrainian soldiers on telegram.

  4. There's so much fake news out there so it's refreshing to know that there are places where we can get the truth.
