Wednesday, December 21, 2011

if i could...

baby, i'd give you my World...

 for NoJo
 for Gumdrop
 for Corbadoo
 for Peanut Butter Cup
 for LuLu
for Keeper


  1. What a clever little vegemite you are....those quilts are fabulous, I love the map panels! And of course the gazillion stars, mustn't forget them.

  2. Those are wonderful! The "letter" is on it's way. Hope you don't have too much snow to get your mail. Christmas without the "letter" would be.....well some say it would be better. Hope your Christmas is filled with wonderful!

  3. Love them!!! Fantabulous quilts my dear!!!

  4. Gosh. You're a quilt maker extraordinaire! Happy Christmas. Hope you're not still sad.

  5. Very, very cool! You did good! They'll love them--and they're edumacational too!

  6. These are awesome! I have some of these same panels and I love what you did with them!! Mind if I copy?

  7. Holy Cow Woman! No wonder you were in a panic -- that's a lot of quilts and a lot of stars. I'll bet they all loved them! They all look great -- Congratulations on getting them all done!!!

  8. Wow, wow, wow, wow and wow!!! Dianne my dear, you are simply amazing! I love these quilts!
