Wednesday, July 27, 2016

four of two bits

a bit more drafting for paper-piecing from Quilted Legends of the West by Judy Zehner and Kim Mosher and i came up with these quarter-sized spirit guides...
plains buffalo

polar bear

i was gonna draft and piece a couple more animals, but even two-bits-sized, four is gonna be enough...

be forewarned - if snakes freak you the eff out - guilty as charged - you might want to not look too closely at the pictures of her lovely littles and just skip down to the sneak peek of what looks to be another gorgeous wedding quilt

Even snakes are afraid of snakes.
Steven Wright

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

herd word

the word on the herd is...
stomper and smaller stomper
and that's all i have to show for the week...
weak, innit?!?

The numbers were in line with lowered expectations.
Mark Davis

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

stomp stomp

i'm not a fan of the stitch and flip method of piecing because when i try to do it i am so lazy and sloppy imprecise, especially when the flipping is an itty-bitty square that makes a ittier-bittier triangle... 
i usually draft those types of blocks so i can paper-piece them...

and after i draft them, i hafta test them...

when i needed to test a quarter-sized paper-pieced draft of the Quilted Legends of the West by Judy Zehner and Kim Mosher Plains Buffalo before i make the REAL one for yet another WIP i got this...
goin' up to the Spirit in the Sky

those mountains were crying out for a white buffalo to come stomping across them...

 i spread out the pieces that i have so far...
some cohesion might be nice
and realized that my White Buffalo quilt is becoming a Buffalo Buffalo quilt...

that being said, i'm gonna need a lot more buffalo...

when i found this at the Colorado Row by Row site, i decided that i HAD to go to the Golden Quilt Company and get the free pattern...

and after i finish watering the grass bleck and moving around the dust bleck and scrubbing sinks bleck i'm gonna work on building up my herd...

i'm linking up to WIPs with Friends at Mama Spark's World

It is not so much that Man is a herd animal, said Freud, but that he is a horde animal led by a chief.
Ernest Becker

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


after a year of NO progress...
it's a start

trimming the stitcheries took a lot of courage...
 i held my breath each time the rotary cutter met the mat, lemmetellya...

What did the buffalo say to her son when he left for college?

Monday, July 4, 2016