Wednesday, August 3, 2016

assiduous Apis mellifera

making a mess...
trim ... trim ... trim
because this...
 looks like i finished the cross-stitching in 1998 ... and then it was lost in the Great Pile of Stuff for eighteen years
was finally made into a pillow...
and the pillow sorta kinda goes with these... 
too bad there are no cookies in that cookie jar
how 'bout a closer look at that little picture...
Sweet Melissa

the red table complained a lot ow!!! you're scratching me!!! when i placed the cup on it, so those pinwheels and a bunch more and that bee and a bunch more are gonna grow up to be a table runner someday...

Honey is sweet, but the bee has a sting.
Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, August 2, 2016