january is the best month of the year, innit?!?
it is MY birthday month, so there will be no disagreeing with me on this one, lemmetellya!!!
i didn't blog much, but i did manage to:
finish reading a not-memorable book that i'd already read once and couldn't remember any of the story cuz it was that forgettable...
and finish a couple of the Craftsy classes that i bought the last time they went on sale...
and take one of Auntia's PIPB's to flimsy status...
and piece most of the Black Cat Crossing fabric that i thought i couldn't live without into one biggish and two smallish flimsies...

and take one of Auntia's PIPB's to flimsy status...
and piece most of the Black Cat Crossing fabric that i thought i couldn't live without into one biggish and two smallish flimsies...

no longer collecting dust in the family room ... now they are all collecting dust in MY room till they find their way to michigan for quilting ... soooo close
and turn a panel for a countdown to halloween calendar into an actual finish along with 6 halloween microwave-a-bowl holders...
13 ... 12 ... 11 ... 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... TRICK or TREAT!!!

13 ... 12 ... 11 ... 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... TRICK or TREAT!!!
and 16 more microwave-a-bowl holders and a potato bag and a few coasters which everyone else seems to call mug rugs cuz that sounds cooler than coaster...
winter, valentine's day, st. patrick's day, late and dirty (love that Jase)
100 flowers
Auntia stayed with LuLu's kindergarten class all that morning manning the 100 Pieces of Trail Mix station, bless her heart ... and then it was time to celebrate my 126th half-birthday with an original work of art from LuLu...
Auntia stayed with LuLu's kindergarten class all that morning manning the 100 Pieces of Trail Mix station, bless her heart ... and then it was time to celebrate my 126th half-birthday with an original work of art from LuLu...

that is LuLu in her orange with grey polka dotted dress ... those spikey things in the trees are worms for the birds ... and the daddy bird is gonna follow the arrow down to the fish so he can eat them and then throw them up in the baby birds' mouths ... but he doesn't eat the baby fish - just the mahdult fish
and lottsa cookies in an AWESOME TIN from Cheryl's cuz they KNOW what i like...
and lottsa cookies in an AWESOME TIN from Cheryl's cuz they KNOW what i like...

there was also a big box of cookies but they are already gone gone gone
a suh-weet cupcake R2D2 that actually sings Happy Birthday to You in R2D2ish...
a suh-weet cupcake R2D2 that actually sings Happy Birthday to You in R2D2ish...
the purse that Auntia has been promising to make for me for the past gazillion years
and a fun lunch out today with Michael Myson...
and when i got home i figured out how to change the light bulb for the car's passenger-side rear blinker ... sometimes it stinks to hafta be a mahdult ... but at least i didn't hafta be the daddy bird and throw up in the baby birds' mouths...
and a fun lunch out today with Michael Myson...
and when i got home i figured out how to change the light bulb for the car's passenger-side rear blinker ... sometimes it stinks to hafta be a mahdult ... but at least i didn't hafta be the daddy bird and throw up in the baby birds' mouths...
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
John Benfield