Thursday, October 17, 2024


is the fifth horseman of the apocalypse.

just sayin'...

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

we be the cavalry

There is no cavalry coming. No miracle solution. No saviors. In the end, we, the American people - not any of our institutions - have to save our democracy by voting in defense of that democracy this fall. We are the cavalry. The responsibility is ours.

Eric Holder, former Attorney General

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

something to think about...

 did you know that when you say ignorant things about women in power, they don't hear you?

but your daughters do ... your mother does ... your grandmothers and granddaughters do ... your wife/girlfriend/lover does ... your sisters do ... your aunties and nieces do

 all the women in your life hear you

Sunday, October 13, 2024

childless cat lady...


 stitched by Melissa (the childless cat lady who doesn't have a stake in our country's future and is more likely to be a mentally unstable sociopath - too bad she's allergic to cats) ... finished by dianne (the postmenopausal female whose purpose in life should be raising grandchildren - also allergic to cats and who did, in fact, stop earning $34/hour plus benefits to care for her grandbabies, and is now relying on the Social Security that she paid into for forty years, yet it is considered an "entitlement" that should be cut)

Friday, October 11, 2024

hoping for rain...

               and not just because we are currently living through a drought

   it will take a downpour to wash away the orange stain that invaded our state today 

     a pile of feces and his sycophants - the worst of America - spewing bile and hate                                                

                                                          a lying lot of loathsome liars 

                                 it's past your jail time, you felonious piece of trash

                                                         go away and don't come back 

                            we don't want you and your fascist cult anywhere near us


                                                                             be gone

Friday, May 6, 2022


picture this with pictures...

yeah, i know - and that's the most recent issue with not blogging for two years...

it seems that phones are cameras now...

and my phone doesn't like talking to the computer...

i doubt that the problem is with the phone or with the computer...

mmhmmm ... i have issues

so i looked through the pictures that are already on the computer to see if maybe i could find SOMETHING to post about...

how 'bout this?

a "native american" barbie doll that needed to be something more... 

like, maybe a tree topper for my bedroom's christmas tree...

down the rabbit hole...

after a how to search on the World Wide Web and You Tube

and following along with various and sundry tutorials...

i think that she's kinda cool - waaaay too tall for the tree that she was supposed to fit upon, so not a tree topper after all...

and not nearly enough color, but some turquoise fringe might fix that...

and, just like that, a post with pictures...

old pictures, but pictures

...because every picture tells a story...

Friday, May 15, 2020


we listened to the first six Ranger's Apprentice books 
and on April 28 i stopped stitching on the Letter From Hogwarts Stitch Your Own Adventure...
to wait for Chapter 3 to be released on May 1 
 i was gonna finish the parchment edges, but we both ran outta DMC 746 (the lightest cream) 
and we're STILL waiting for our order to be delivered...

in the top border 
Hedwig the Owl came from here 
and Fawkes the Phoenix was smooshed together from two other phoenix charts that i saw somewhere on line... 

trying to chart cross stitch on graph paper is driving me cuh-razy 
 the Hogwarts castle and the eagle in the Ravenclaw banner sent me over the edge 
 so we ordered cross stitch design software from Amazon, not realizing that the software we ordered is no longer supported...


where'd i put that graph paper?!?

Chapter 3 is Elective classes - with a choice between Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, or Ancient Runes 
and i wanted to stitch them all 

 of course they won't all fit, so both of us have decided to design our own Chapter 3

i'm thinking that it would be waaaay cool to have a stack of books for ALL of the classes and not just electives 
cuz who doesn't love a stack of awesome books?!?

Melissa wants ALL of the magical creatures on the bottom of the stitchery instead of in Chapter 3's space, along with Hagrid's Hut and the Forbidden Forest 
cuz why settle for a tiny corner of the stitchery when she can fill up the whole thing?!?

yeah, maybe we should wait to see what the other 3 chapters will be...

in the meantime 
i started working on this stack of quilts that are waiting for binding...
and when my hands got tired of pushing a sharp needle through lottsa layers of fabric 
which didn't take very long, lemmetellya
 i traded it for a ballpoint needle and one layer of linen...
and finally finished filling in the centers of those gazillion sunflowers
that little bird cracks me up 

and now i'm gonna go slog through some more binding 
cuz that pile has been sitting there for weeks and it's getting ridiculous...

Remus Lupin in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban