Monday, October 28, 2024

girl dads

 i love you, daddy

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Sunday, October 27, 2024

spaghetti western


Spaghetti Western Sampler
by Ardith Design
stitched on 28ct Aztec Red Gingham linen
with called for floss

the only changes made were the words...
the original design says
YEE-HAW for Good Food + Social Justice
changed to a (modified to pg-rated) quote from one of Melissa's favorite Christmas movies and one of my dad's favorite suggestions at suppertime

i've decided that samplers just aren't my thing - i love how they look,
but stitching them is not my idea of relaxing with my needle and thread

i do lurve me some pasta!!!
and i wouldn't say no to a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs with lottsa stinky cheese right about now...

on top of spaghetti
all covered with cheese
i lost my poor meatball
when somebody sneezed...

Thing One and Thing Two

these two guys lie 

they lied about Springfield 
NO ONE was eating the dogs or the cats
 and the goose was hunted by an old white guy who thought it was okay because the geese were pests, not pets

and they lied about Aurora
the apartment complex was mismanaged by the out-of-state slumlords who refused to correct infested and unlivable conditions
the actual gang members, except for the one who's still on the run, were arrested weeks ago
the city hasn't been overrun
Colorado hasn't been invaded - i know this for a fact because i live here and i'm a wimp and i would be dialing 911 for help if it was
they lied about it

they lied about FEMA  after Hurricanes Helene and Milton
the rescue teams were on the ground before the storms even made landfall
but FEMA had to pull back recovery teams because of threats of armed militias hunting them down 
because these guys lie

they lie about late term abortions and infanticide

they lie about boys going to school and coming back home as girls - no school is performing transgender surgery and it's ridiculous to believe it's true - haven't any of you filled out the multitude of forms for the school nurse to give your kid a bandaid or an ice pack?!? 

they lie about voter fraud 
and they lie about elections not being free and fair 
and they lie about lying 

they lie about crowd size, for crying out loud

they lie about Project 2025/Agenda 47

they lie about our military

they lie about our justice system 

they lie about the insurrection on January 6 - we all witnessed it in Real Time - we all KNOW what we saw

they lie about themselves

they lie about the media

they lie about us ... and they lie about YOU

 all of it is EASILY DEBUNKED

stop believing everydamnthing you hear
because these guys lie

don't take my word for it...
Google it ... look it up ... watch independent news ... use your common sense
use logic ... use your brain for something besides an ear spacer

you're not a fool

but these two think you're gullible

and they lie

Mother Earth Father Sky

we can fix this ...  we owe it to our children

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Saturday, October 26, 2024

no ... he's wrong

he's at it again ... now he's saying our country is a garbage can...

 even though he was born and raised with the Statue of Liberty keeping watch over his home ... maybe he never read her sonnet?

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, 
with conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, 
and her name 
Mother of Exiles.

From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome; 
her mild eyes command the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

 "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" 
cries she with silent lips.
 "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
Emma Lazarus

this is personal ... i am a grandchild of immigrants

 our borders are broken - let's work together to fix the problems 

stop the fear-mongering and the hate spewing and the name calling ... we wouldn't allow kindergartners to behave so atrociously - sheesh

America IS great - we're NOT a failing nation - and we have MORE IN COMMON than what separates us

just sayin'

but is she dying?

Amber Nicole Thurman

we will speak her name and the names of our other sisters who have died because our rights to determine our own healthcare choices have been stripped away... 

in 2024,  my daughters and granddaughters and great granddaughter have fewer rights than my generation had... 

we let it happen and we need to fix it... 

we don't have to deny our own values and our own choices - you do you and i'll do me - but the government has no place in determining our reproductive rights...

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Friday, October 25, 2024

january 20, 2025

this doesn't have to happen ... it's up to you

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